
D&D 5E - Modifying the light crossbow to be a gunslingers pistol.

So I did a bit of a search and read a bunch of 5e Gunslinger archetypes. Most of them seem awkward and trying to copy the exact rules of Pathfinder instead of the spirit of the class. I imagine that a standard archer battle master fighter with light crossbows does a good , if not better job at portraying a gunslinger than these other homework conversions.

Except for one thing, the hand crossbow itself. I'd be happy to work with it but it doesn't have the unreliable flavour of black powder weapons. So I would like opinions on how to modify the hand crossbow to create a balanced weapon .

My starting point would be to increase the damage die by one, (d8) and to counter that with a misfire chance and potentially reduce the range.

What effects should the misfire have and how often should it be triggered? I'm aiming for simple solutions that will be the fun kind of inconvenience that makes combat exciting, not something that will slow down play. Any suggestions?


Lourie Helzer

Update: 2024-06-24